Join Us


Ah, summer...camping, fishing, hiking, paddle boarding, rafting, VANS! Yet, what we are most excited about is bringing our Van Meetups back. That's right! Join us on the third Thursday of every month from 5:30-7:30pm at the Van Cafe headquarters in Fort Collins (if you're traveling through, make sure you stop). We'll supply the food, games, a few laughs. You supply your wonderful, smiling faces that we can't wait to see again. And your awesome vans. Since we aren't asking for RSVPs, the food is on a first come, first served basis.

  • July 21st
  • August 18th
  • September 15th
If you're on Facebook you can respond to the event. For those of you who aren't, we will send you reminders, but mark your calendars now!


We’ve got two types of opportunities for you! If you are local to Colorado and own a ProMaster, Transit, Sprinter or Vanagon – we are currently looking for beta testers for new products. Do you live outside of Colorado and want to participate in giving us feedback on our products and help us in the development phases? We want you to join our van talk community.

If you are interested, please sign up below we will be in touch about our beta testing and van talk programs.