​Leave No Trace: The Vanagon Way to Respect the Road Less Traveled

Posted by Van Cafe on Jul 16th 2024

​Leave No Trace: The Vanagon Way to Respect the Road Less Traveled

Hey Vanagon voyagers! 

We all love the freedom of hitting the open road in our beloved brick boxes. But with great freedom comes great responsibility, especially when it comes to conserving the wild places we explore. That's where the concept of "Leave No Trace" (LNT) comes in. It's not just a fancy term – it's a set of principles that ensures we minimize our impact on the environment and leave campsites as pristine as we found them.

Here's why LNT is essential for Vanagon adventurers:

  • Protect the wild places we cherish: Imagine rolling up to a scenic spot, only to find leftover fire rings, overflowing trash cans, and trampled vegetation. Yuck! LNT helps us keep these natural gems beautiful for ourselves and future generations.
  • Respect fellow adventurers: Nobody wants to stumble upon someone else's mess while enjoying the outdoors. LNT ensures everyone has a positive experience on the road.
  • Keep public lands open for all: Improper camping practices can lead to closures and restrictions. By following LNT, we show responsible stewardship and help keep these lands accessible for everyone.

So, how can we translate these principles into action on our Vanagon adventures? Here are some LNT essentials for Van-pilots:

  • Plan ahead: Research designated campsites or dispersed camping areas where overnight stays are allowed. Pack all the gear you need to dispose of waste properly, including a trash can and a system for disposing of or hauling out human waste (follow local regulations!). It’s not just about having a shovel at the ready anymore…
  • Camp on durable surfaces: Avoid setting up camp directly on fragile vegetation. Opt for established campsites or gravel areas to minimize your impact.
  • Leave no trace of fire: Only use designated fire rings and extinguish fires completely before leaving. Drown the embers with water, stir the ashes, and repeat until nothing is hot to the touch.
  • Pack it in, pack it out: This golden rule applies to everything you bring. Don't leave any trash, cigarette butts, or even food scraps behind. You may think you’re helping out a fellow creature by leaving food, but you’re habituating them to seek out human food in the future: a lose/lose proposition!
  • Respect wildlife: Store food properly to avoid attracting animals. Keep your distance and observe wildlife from afar.
  • Minimize noise pollution: Respect the tranquility of the outdoors. Keep your voices down, avoid loud music, and limit use of generators.

Following these simple principles allows us to enjoy the freedom of van life while ensuring the natural beauty of our wild playgrounds remains untouched. Remember, happy trails start with responsible campers! The only trace to leave is your love for adventure and respect for the wild.

Bonus Tip: Share the LNT principles with fellow Van-pilots! Spread the message of responsible camping and inspire others to leave no trace.

Now, get out there, explore responsibly, and keep the wandering spirit alive!